Teenagers, Depression and Suicide

0390302001646923914.jpgMost of us remember our teenage years as being very difficult. I have heard many adults, friends, family members, clients, and others unequivocally state that they would never want to revisit those days. Among the many problems adolescents face are feeling accepted by peers, believing that they are attractive, getting along with parents and siblings. Then there is also coping with school and adjusting to the rapid physical changes brought on by hormones, rapid growth in height, powerful sexual urges, and dealing with the pressure to use drugs and alcohol. It is not surprising that many of these teenagers feel anxiety and depression.

Adolescence is when young people join social groups of males and females. There are parties and the first experience of dating and sexual play. The Covid pandemic has brought these experiences to a halt. Many schools are closed, and most people wear masks to prevent the spread of the virus. These factors are not conducive to socialization. Perhaps, with the pandemic declining, everyone will resume their everyday lives.

Today, adolescents have the added pressure of social media. At least some teens are the targets of these insults and rumors who experience terrible feelings of despair. Sadly, it is easy for bullies of either gender to beat up each other by posting horrible things about youngsters they dislike. The result is shocking reports of suicides committed by these unfortunate youngsters.

During the past two years, teens have struggled with the Covid pandemic.    Isolated at home and enduring internet learning, more young people commit suicide. The quote is from the Baylor College of Medicine:

"During the COVID pandemic, I, along with most pediatricians, have seen an exponential rise in teenagers admitted to the hospital with suicidal thoughts and attempts. Some had been lonely and contemplating suicide for a while. Some made rash decisions and cried of regret when recounting their actions."

"When a child tries to commit suicide by firearm, they are likely to succeed."

"The pandemic uniquely affected adolescents. Social isolation, constant uncertainty, stress, and fear have plagued their lives. According to the CDC, teenage emergency room visits for suicide attempts increased significantly during the pandemic, with a 50% rise in cases in females and an almost 4% increase in males. Suicidality among teens in Texas was on the rise before the pandemic. However, most suicidal attempts are not fatal except for guns."

"In Texas, guns are the second leading cause of death among children and adolescents. Suicide is also the second leading cause of death among American youth."

Teenagers depend upon parental cooperation for psychotherapy. For example, they need to be driven to appointments and be provided with money to pay for sessions. Because of their age, parental involvement is essential for the therapeutic process to succeed. Parental involvement means that there will be joint sessions with the therapist and separate meetings with parents. Many parents are reluctant to get involved because they fear blaming their child's problems.

 Experience with teenagers shows that parental attitude and cooperation make a big difference in whether the treatment is successful.

There are several ways parents can sabotage psychotherapy:

1. Failure to make the car available to the teen or drive them to the appointment.

 2. Failure to pay for sessions.

 3. Refusal to attend family sessions.

 4. Defensiveness for fear of being blamed.

 5. hostility blaming the teenager for everything.

 6. Rejecting depression as a real medical problem and blaming the teenager.

 7. Attempting to hide a history of child abuse.

All parents must know the importance of teenage depression and the need for psychotherapy. Multiple factors can cause our teens to become depressed, and many of them have nothing to do with the family. Today, children grow up in a complex, dangerous, and uncertain world. In addition, they're learning to cope with the opposite sex can become complicated. Breaking up with a boy or girlfriend can cause grief and depression. It is a mistake not to take this seriously.

Dr. Schwartz is available for consultation. Email [email protected].



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